How technology can improve mobility.
You have to be careful with what you do with that shoulder. But what if rehab could be improved by wearing a comfortable garment that detects issues in your recovering shoulder and gently reminds you to avoid harmful movements?
This isn’t just speculation. Western electrical and computer engineering professor Ana Luisa Trejos and her team are experimenting with this right now, using mechatronics to help those experiencing mobility challenges.
“There are so many people suffering from mobility problems. And as we age, it gets more difficult to maintain the ability to move freely,” says Ana Luisa, also the Canada Research Chair in Wearable Mechatronics. “The goal of this system is to provide support so that people can recover more effectively after an injury.”
Mechatronics is a branch of engineering that integrates electrical, mechanical, software and hardware components. It’s being used in a wide range of applications – drones, for example, use mechatronics.
She believes the technology will also benefit people with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, where the disease has progressed to the point where it's affecting their mobility. “It will help them remain independent for longer.”
Ana Luisa's work is focused on taking what technology exists and making it more comfortable and functional for everyday use.
The garments she designs are made of textiles. Woven into the textile are electronic sensors that detect motion and muscle activity and use software to identify when a problem is occurring.
“If the person is moving in a way that’s not good for rehabilitation, the technology can correct the motion or, for people with Parkinson’s, it can suppress tremors.”
Cost can also be a barrier for users. Ana Luisa is exploring ways to design the garments so the technology becomes more accessible to people who might not be able to afford it.
“The best way would be to make the technology open access so the garments could be woven and manufactured locally. Most communities have access to these methods of manufacturing. We just have to enable them to develop the technologies themselves by providing them with the research so that they can build them.”
As for next steps, she’s looking at the next generation of scientists.